I constantly urge people to use the library as a source for movies. The library I work for has a wonderful mix of blockbusters, classics and lesser-known films. And if we don't have what you're looking for, we belong to a consortium of libraries, one of which will probably own that elusive title. Some don't like to delay gratification and sit on a waiting list for the more popular new releases. However, the price of admission for movies approaches $10 and the cost of online rentals, while more reasonable, is still a disposible income expense. With the tight budgets so many of us are coping with today, the fact that borrowing movies at the library is free might make it worth the wait.
I also have been able delve into the depths of library collections to find some of the more obscure work of now-famous performers just getting their starts. While the films or television series are sometimes less than stellar, it is fun to see actors early in their careers, paying their dues and sometimes shining amongst a otherwise mediocre cast. I wouldn't want to spend money renting some of those DVDs, but for free it's amusing to study an actor or director's career or a particular time period or genre in film.
I really feel films can be a wonderful source of education, enlightment and entertainment and, oddly enough, I believe libraries are too.