If you plan on being in the Toronto, Canada area early next month, you might want to pop round to the 33rd annual Toronto International Film Festival which runs September 4-13. This year 312 movies will be featured and over 500 celebrities are expected to show up on various red carpets. While 64 different countries will be represented at this year's festival, the opening film honor goes to Canadian Paul Gross' World War I drama, Passchendaele. "The film tells the story of the Third Battle of Ypres, a battleground in Belgium that became one of the key conflicts for Canadian soldiers during the Great War."(Peter Howell, The Toronto Star, June 18, 2008.) One particularly anticipated film from the US seems to be the Coen Brothers' dark comedy (do they make any other kind?) Burn After Reading. After quickly scanning the list of festival films, the tickets I'd most want to snag would be for The Brothers Bloom, a con men adventure with Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo and The Stone of Destiny, the closing night selection, about a group of Scottish students who try to steal back the famous relic of their heritage from the English. (Didn't Hamish MacBeth already cover this?)
Anyhow if you are lucky enough to attend the festival festivies, let us know how it was. At least I could live vicariously through you.